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個人Points:84051   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-3-31 01:21:53

各位玩家:# N$ i1 o# i6 V1 m, q
伺服器將會在 2020-03-31 (上午11:00~13:00  ) 進行例行維護,在該段時間將會進行停機維修。
5 D' P7 M* M( }) m: G5 @6 ^& A2 I5 Z: |8 [
變更項目 :
1 B5 w! r! N4 x/ e% B% p8 F4 Q, q% x1 l. L5 \! j2 ]3 H
- 寂靜岭、瓦南平原北部、瓦南平原西部、瓦南平原東部 加入為可在系統選單傳送回主城。  }0 V) H! \0 ^4 y
6 f9 Q: G* ~$ N0 p
- 在 競技場地區 無法使用 BOSS 類指令呼叫 NPC. , F. ^4 v8 w5 U4 Q6 K6 O! R; @
, @, q" C. l7 ^3 p5 j, P/ v5 Z' k4 P) \/ P2 \
- 城鎮的復活指令加強檢查機制
+ S; S6 C" y8 `- Z' g- U3 e+ Y$ o1 h9 Y4 T5 S% p' W+ ?; m
- 幽冥山丘 不再是安全地區& m+ B- Q( L3 D; A

! P- V" \4 E: Y" R* ?- 調整警衛還擊指引
; [/ k/ F( N0 r6 k$ z8 F
為了防止警衛使用暴力的情況發生,我們計劃提升 警衛 的裝備 (增加 攻擊力、防禦力)  !8 }6 r. g- v1 y2 Z! J0 r8 a7 O
但平民失誤地攻擊警衛時將不會再產生 臨時NK (隱藏的NK值) ,警衛將不會因受到攻擊而向平民施以還擊。7 Y6 B( [: O1 K- S: G5 a
除非該平民持有 NK 值,否則我們的警衛不會對平民作出暴力行為。: X: M  ^  \- q9 \/ s1 R" W( T

4 Q& O4 P! K8 @0 h2 |  w- nPS: 當玩家非法攻擊其他玩家時 或 殺害警衛 時會增加 NK 值。

+ \  C& s* n  h
6 j& y) ?# V  S7 r, z

1 p' W, f. w" P6 S( L# ?' v6 E2 iDear Players,
, w& X' A4 p1 A+ Q% Wmaintenance works will be carried out at 11:00~13:00  on 2020-03-31 Service will not be available during that period of time.
2 A% r3 w$ |6 L2 T0 G! ^# ?6 J+ Y
$ [$ q1 M4 }9 R/ dChanges :
8 b+ T7 w& r8 e/ t: g( n% k9 P9 X4 a8 s( l( s2 ^! i4 h6 g7 q! _
- Add the Return to Home Town button support from Slient Hill , Northern Wanen , Western Wanen , Eastern Wanen . % q# |+ ]0 H8 e: D# _7 `2 C

& B$ P+ b# x: [2 G- Disabled the BOSS commend for talk to NPC in Arena PVP.
$ ~7 O8 ?* n4 Y  (Arena PVP is not allow automatic washing )
! u6 m/ \! P3 D/ f' q7 y% s# C& e( A) f  R; Z* a3 ~: }6 J
- Enhanced the checking for Resurrection command.
: h, q( R% g' ?1 A
  @7 p8 v, d9 q; u* F- Lethe's mountains is remove from Safe list.
! }* t( H8 A- V% M* Y. t# n
* b& u9 S* r. D/ ?/ |2 e7 }  p- Adjusted the guidelines of fight back method of DarkCorp .9 W* A) p6 a7 l6 q+ A8 x% T1 b

' L( R0 I9 [/ G, [
In order to prevent the use of violence by the guards, 0 x7 U/ D3 E* f7 w
we plan to upgrade all guards' equipment (increase attack and defense)!! r+ Q" a* h7 H4 {; `+ |
However, civilians will no longer produce temporary NK (hidden NK value) when they mistakenly attack the guards,
9 d8 `# o- U: Q7 [and the guards will not respond to the civilians due to the attack.
9 ]& F8 o! m7 TUnless the civilian holds an NK value, our guards will not commit violence against the civilian.2 I/ e2 A9 N2 _( l/ d: i

1 @. `" D. @. I+ k- \PS: When a player illegally attacks other players or kills a guard, the NK value is increased.
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84051   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-3-31 02:21:54

中國地區線路提升調整1 E; Q) d* Y6 a! k3 X& t
. N( I0 r# O( i, t' T
發現中國線路在這幾星期經常高延遲,主要是 CNZ、CNB 、CNC 、CNS 在部分時段出現 3~4倍延遲值 的情況。
! v* P7 A- V1 y6 o3 C有見及此將在 2020-03-31 ~ 2020-05-01  改用另一專線接駁。+ w9 P2 U; M" a
; t' {8 F2 u/ J1 V# m1 H6 C8 q' `0 n5 N7 Y
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84051   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-3-31 12:24:26

9 K0 n" i: o" C, P( Y9 @
0 P4 W' l7 A5 g# f9 Z3 Zhttps://forum.m2.hk/forum.php?zo ... hread&tid=44614
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-3-31 13:16:37

(Arena PVP is not allow automatic washing ) <<< What washing meaning?
. B5 J( t+ F. Y4 P, L* Edoing battle to get gemble stone? or doing battle to get ladder point?


benbenisrock  pvp through marco application  !detail! Reply Post on 2020-4-1 11:32
joewhatdalove  Get stone by ez  !detail! Reply Post on 2020-3-31 13:30
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:550   Rank: 4  高級會員

文章日期:2020-3-31 13:30:10

pdhs111 發表於 2020-3-31 13:16   L. K' s# p5 U; j6 e0 h3 }
(Arena PVP is not allow automatic washing )
" {: E+ ^+ c6 E: b9 e( p+ J
Get stone by ez
! L/ W6 `; L8 J9 U5 o
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:373   Rank: 3Rank: 3  中級會員

文章日期:2020-4-1 11:32:10

pdhs111 發表於 2020-3-31 13:16   u0 s5 f, o: y9 \, F
(Arena PVP is not allow automatic washing )

: E- |; ], M3 V$ d& Hpvp through marco application
2 a6 r& M2 e* o7 Q6 X
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:11543   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2020-4-1 12:11:16

6 `0 c! V- s7 D% }共狗上線支援時攻擊力增加5倍) z0 a3 Y) }3 N! U, N# m: d& c, H
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84051   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-1 12:55:39

beanlun 發表於 2020-4-1 12:11 - H- m. j" @3 \: I  a4 t) K2 K
$ q# m, R5 P/ j4 q, I( j共狗上線支援時攻擊力增加5倍
5 U& w" D# s7 [. o* _6 L, M( T

2 l3 }/ x  `0 x) {龍族的警衛會依紀律聽從指示只攻擊有 NK 值的人,其餘情況下將打不還手,警衛不會理會你。. G  Y6 y  E$ G9 {, s

. q6 u4 j+ R& U0 mPS: 當然警衛依然會還口。
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84051   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-1 13:07:32

龍族的警衛在 6月 19 ~ 20日 會有段韓文會講,不知是什麼含意。7 n) V- }. P6 u0 `; P$ v
* v% V+ E" J! X7 b% @: Z# w
3 b( y, b8 y2 z- v& M  J
  • 크~~억.. 속이 이상해.. 미식거려.. 머리도 어지럽고..이런때 <자이펀>놈들 나타나면 안되는데...
  • 아우래도 무슨 큰병이라도 걸린것 같은데.. 자이펀 간첩들이 침투한다던데.. 몸까지 이러니..
  • 아~ 아~~ 며칠전부터 자꾸 눈앞이 어지럽고 머리속이 빙글 도는것이 이상한걸...
  • <자이펀>놈들 때문에 비상인테 몸상태가 안 좋아
  • 자꾸 멀리서 헛게 보이고 어지러운게 늙었나?
  • 자이펀간첩은 '<자이펀>'이란 마크를 하고 있어.. 찾으면 신고해줘..6 u5 {: y+ N2 V  a1 g7 t

1 @- s% N# m& X1 @& _  F. Y  _
& K9 A9 \: n# ?6月20日
. v! \6 o1 J/ i
  • 크~~억.. 속이 이상해.. 미식거려.. 머리도 어지럽고..어제보다 상태가 더 안좋은것 같아..
  • 아우래도 무슨 큰병이라도 걸린것 같은데.. <자이펀> 간첩들이 침투한다던데.. 몸까지 이러니..
  • 아~ 아~~ 며칠전부터 자꾸 눈앞이 어지럽고 머리속이 빙글빙글....
  • <자이펀>놈들 때문에 비상인테 몸상태가 안 좋아
  • 자꾸 멀리서 헛게 보이고 어지러운게 늙었나?  이럴때 <자이펀> 놈들이 나타나면 안되는데..
    ) z- {+ j4 _. ~) k5 r- T

7 I* x- H' d8 N; D+ u2 U
" V, s" l2 u; D


pdhs111  Deal with the users that interfere with the game !  Post on 2020-4-1 14:42
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-4-1 15:12:04

細草 posted on 2020-4-1 14:07
' D' n! k# O+ V  v1 Z4 N% t5 L- l0 Z龍族的警衛在 6月 19 ~ 20日 會有段韓文會講,不知是什麼含意。' ^5 u( y1 f0 ]- X$ p# i

+ c& U- I+ B. E6月19日

  B. _9 V  [. D1 B  d  w8 a. QI can translate Korean into English !!!!!
! F" O: r( ^) j7 D
* \* G6 j3 }9 {$ ]- ?  j8 _- q
0 B8 s1 ^, z" c8 v- N9 w. X! ]" L0 M) A& w! F$ U) q' g
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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