
個人Points:84002   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2015-10-7 21:42:12

6 @9 q* z* Q% x  J9 e+ {/ l& I
This article is only recording related account <somchai> (Col ** d) was hacked check records, : V& [7 c' A5 F+ J! j
Because the  <somchai> mistakenly believed his friend and sharing the Account data to hin.
# s/ k! Z' X$ r8 N& P5 U' f" NAccordingly theft, as the tragic events we do, we do not to deal with any personnel were suspended.4 Y4 }: \- V: J$ ?
9 B5 y( v. N9 [! p  a! X4 @" C( o
Character Record :   D: w  m- `9 z
2015-10-03 11:20:06 <Nemo> Take the account of  'somchai'  (with login id, password, original password ) Once through successful login to  'somchai' .+ F1 O0 |, @% @' d; D! T, n8 z0 l& x
2015-10-03 11:43:31 <Nemo> drop the some equip from  'somchai' to ground floor.' c1 q) P3 ~# b! y; `
2015-10-03 11:50:42 <Nemo> transfer some a high level equip from  'somchai'  to  character name 'Other' .
. U- {- k  V/ k) E2015-10-03 11:54:44 <Nemo> was pull the original password to deleted 'somchai' .
/ m; [# O3 s6 W) L6 S
6 o4 w$ ^& p9 `4 ^2015-10-04 01:25:00 GM was received from 'WestbanKz' &  'Mademoiselle' was reported his account of friend has been hacked . the character 'somchai' has been delete, request for recovery the character.' Y' ]8 c# j) p! ^3 u9 U: Z
2015.10.04 02:53:11 We has checked the account record , and free for his recovery 'somchai' to be removed before the situation.
2 F$ g, s1 O9 b0 U! n2015-10-04 15:39:00 'WestbanKz' said can help  'somchai' to return the equip? 2 ]7 _7 c6 f8 l$ M
2015.10.04 17:20:16 'Mademoiselle'  : I can assure that it is impossible he couldnt get the pw from the owner, because i'm right now talking to the owner.
7 h( B0 E* Y0 P6 x. O. K
7 {- s9 X+ J! b2 d/ i
+ f3 i5 m$ w' h6 t2015-10-04 18:01:00 GM was check the login record about   'Other', the related player is listed below :
1 ?) o, C2 Q  g+ S   2015-10-03 : 'Other' same ip  Irine , Slim_G, BodySlam. z/ U3 w+ D9 V' K* Q
   2015-10-04 : 'Other' same ip  Nemo , Slim_G , -=RelaX=-  6 F+ c( j# x, @& e" y
   ( Because the shared account to another person, GM are not responsible for lost items. ); s; _. t9 n/ a. }7 y0 ?9 @' a
' b% s4 x! E" L; {

1 A& L" ~) I6 |; L3 l2015-10-04 'Mademoiselle' was reply to say , he is not know who is  'Nemo'  & '-=RelaX=-'
* `5 h4 Y% {6 y. v7 z; y  p0 M/ a7 b# n- F' d, U5 B' R
2015-10-05 03:08:54 <Nemo> was transfer the eqip from   'Other' to  'Archer_It'.4 @5 G  ^* O5 U" ~& X' H
# r6 }( Z) g/ P1 f2 i
2015-10-05 03:38:28 <Nemo> after transfer all item and deleted  'Other' .' T- a7 J: \$ a5 P: ^3 z2 X

7 R& P5 k6 v' L' Z# D2015-10-06 22:42:34 'Mademoiselle' was approval  'somchai'   has share the  'humnoi' (col**d) [ with login id , password] to gived  to  'Nemo' ,  but he does not give the 'somchai' (Col**d)  to 'Nemo'2 O! s6 f( a. M8 x( w' a- D
** For the account  (Col**d) have 4 character : somsak  , somchai , humnoi , aiya - K# ^! V* S9 ~- i) b$ `
% G$ ?# h% z' ]; v" X; G7 a5 d* j4 Q

: R" x: g2 ^' V2015.10.06 22:43:58 'Mademoiselle' said he did not know uppercase(Col**d)  and  lowercase (col**d)   is common.
* H) U! J; t6 k7 S1 [% n! E* `
9 d- w) m2 G! f0 Z& ?2015.10.06 22:47:56 GM was reply to  'Mademoiselle'  , the account id is not case sensitive. Login to Col**d / col**d aslso can see 4 character ( somsak  , somchai , humnoi , aiya )" r/ q# B' o& S: k

$ C2 F0 B6 f* \! P2015.10.06 22:54:59  'Mademoiselle' believe 'Nemo' just put the items off the ground, Once again, to requires give back to him.
" w  s) H  }; A, o6 C0 t; v  _# D; a& ?
2015.10.06 23:01:53 GM was replay to   'Mademoiselle'  , 'somchai' share of the account to nemo (account ID, password, the original password). nemo is rightly login 'somchai', So we can not be considered stealing items+ K: Q% q( Q& g9 z6 L
          Current destination:   Other  -> Archer_It  -> Force__  ->  Thife_Devil
6 a4 a# B) I1 A0 Z5 X# N1 P- P1 D
2015.10.06 23:15:06  'Mademoiselle' 說 'hoiwhan' (col**d8) 因 競技場洗錢案已被停權 , 所以把帳號資料公開給其他人登入.
8 d- C/ D- L2 c7 b/ u(在一小時前 說 col**d 資料交給了  'Nemo' , 此時說 是 col**d8 才是交給對方. )
6 H3 T, {& L* X7 m6 `
4 {' R7 T$ Y  m6 g$ ^2015-10-07 03:01:00 Receive 'WestbanKz' , He said to request to suspend the  nemo and - = RelaX = - , And why not help to recover the items, and said GM are helping the bad players.
) H4 C" G$ H0 C3 c$ m" Z1 y* L" z( u4 _6 L0 E
2015-10-07 05:55:00 GM was replay to   'WestbanKz'  ,  Our policy is very annoying dishonest players, this case is his share account to other people, but he insisted that 100% is not shared account.
, w/ c1 [; J6 a$ I7 B6 m. q# Y/ t, N          He does not take responsibility, still shirk responsibility
8 Y0 @* C3 j: t4 K, U# I6 S* d; C, F
2015-10-07 13:36:00 Receive 'WestbanKz' , GM was never side best player support player, GM still nemo . ( Foul language)
# M3 }$ q$ J# x' _, f: S, [1 _3 q) U* x
* End of case *
* ]/ C4 H, L- I/ }4 v2 V7 B7 d* `: c9 r8 [* ]. w8 C9 f

- e/ i/ y; P! T( `2 s
$ k  o' I1 A7 N7 P1 |- U( z
- g2 q2 x: W3 c6 QSummary:
  x9 P- @  v/ KWe have been also said that given equal share account,
& O3 F* ]/ g0 H9 ~. MResponsible for all the consequences should make their own.
# h: |$ P# Y) o4 V( f* q
( \+ N! R% g3 t, g: O/ V

* [* n3 ?. r& F$ A  X9 D% O
! W# q) i) b" a+ Q8 J/ `
: e" ?* s9 K$ U& ]# Radditional : . J! v/ Q! P& X+ H+ A/ ~
Account share to another person, unable retrieval items is a normal thing , 7 Q7 r$ f' w9 O4 y, Y9 l5 H* g) g
We can only suggest that  , Please Be careful of these immoral human :  BodySlam, Nemo , Slim_G , -=RelaX=-   , & S9 X) ?7 U' @; J6 H2 [% G
Until they awaken returned items.

5 H9 d  m$ @$ P
9 i3 A8 {! F6 \/ G8 U
+ I3 Z% b, C8 w
1 u. F; L* B" t( K  ~3 `9 f9 J: X+ k' f& A$ z* f9 T' B5 y4 s
# A2 J$ Q  f3 U1 i! h
http://forum.m2.hk/forum.php?zon ... thread&tid=8885
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個人Points:84002   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2015-10-23 03:47:39

We have received AT 14 oct 2015, the items from Nemo, and return the items to somechai .
9 e+ ^& Y7 w% i' x; u, Z; bCase end .
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